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The New Well
Charity No. SC050173


Our vision for The New Well is to bring hope and connection through enhancing emotional, financial and spiritual wellbeing. Our values are: welcoming and valuing everyone; encouraging connection; loving God and one another and living in hope. The New Well is rooted in prayer and we want Jesus to be at the heart of all that we are and do. 

We are here to get alongside people as a friendly support. Currently we offer three main areas of support – 


The New Well has a team of accredited and experienced counsellors who work with individuals and couples offering in person or online sessions at a time and frequency to suit.


Chatty Tables

Chatty Tables is for anyone who would like to enjoy a chat and a cuppa but is especially for those who feel lonely or are new to Linlithgow. Currently we have a Chatty Table in two local cafes on Monday mornings and on Thursday afternoons. A volunteer will be there to welcome whoever comes along and to keep the conversation flowing. Chatty Tables is a great way to meet new people of all ages and have an old-fashioned chat.


Job Club

Our CAP Job Club team offers the eight-week ‘Steps to Employment Course’ three times a year. This practical course is designed to help jobseekers identify skills, write great CVs and prepare for interviews.

Alongside the course we have a weekly Drop-in with free access to computers and internet for job searching and our trained coaches are around to help with applications.

Job Club is on Thursdays from 10.45am for the course and from 12.15pm for the Drop-in.


If The New Well could help you or you would like to know more and get involved, please get in touch through their website or The New Well, Linlithgow Facebook page.


St John's Church Linlithgow

Low Port Centre

1 Blackness Road

EH49 7HZ


Registered Scottish Charity SC050351

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